Looking for some data to start from?
Here a summary of the main data-sources I'm using in this project
For each one, a link to the original website is provided
(If you don't know how to use these data, check out the HowTo page)


If you are looking for european regional data, this guy is your best friend
It includes homogeneus series of almost all european countries on a wide range of topics
and large time-ranges!
For missing countries, take a look at the
UnData or the National Statistics section

Administrative Units


Copernicus is the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space programme, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens. It offers information services that draw from satellite Earth Observation and in-situ (non-space) data
(Copernicus website)

Like Eurostat, here you can find really a lot of stuff, with a specific focus on climate and environment, and it's something european people should be really proud of
(don't mind Eurostat, I love you too)

Here some examples, but please get lost in surfing the website!
(in order to download, you have to register. Don't worry, it's free)
Orography (DEM)
Global land cover
Corine land cover


Eurostat Big Brother, with
data on all world countries,
but mostly at the national level

General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans

From here, you can download all of the
world bathymetric data
(that is, how deep oceans are)

National Statistics

National statistics websites provide the most detailed data
but using them at the european scale is extremely time-expensive, so handle with care!

Albania - Armenia - Austria - Azerbaijan - Belarus - Belgium - Bosnia and H. (fed. Bosnia and H. / r. Srpska) - Bulgaria - Croatia - Cyprys - Czechia - Denmark - Estonia - Finland - France - Georgia - Germany - Greece - Hungary - Iceland - Ireland - Italy - Kosovo - Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Malta - Moldova - Montenegro - Netherlands - North Macedonia - Norway - Poland - Portugal - Romania - Serbia - Slovakia - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Turkey - Ukraine - United Kingdom